Thursday, December 13, 2007
The Xmas Rush
Hey folks, not long now till the festive season kicks into high gear and don't worry if you've just recently placed an order with us, we'll try our very best to get it sent off ASAP. We run a 5-10 working day dispatch policy, which basically means when you place an order with us we will dispatch it within 5-10 days, (weekends not included). Usually we send out orders within a day or two but as you can imagine we have been slammed with Xmas orders and things here at the S.D.F.C. have been busier than normal. Any queries drop us a line at
Sunday, November 25, 2007
A Man Called Quint

A while ago we sent out one of our Quint's Great White Fishing Trips tees to, funnily enough, a guy called Quint who writes and contributes for the excellent movie website Ain't It Cool News. That was a few months ago and to be honest we had forgotten all about it until just last week, when one of our inmates noticed that the big guy had included not only the Quints t-shirt but our Snake Plissken and Karate Kid tees in a review of online gifts to buy for Xmas.
Each year Quint compiles a comprehensive and excellent guide to things online which would make someone smile this festive season, you can read the whole article HERE. We did and going on his recommendations we've ordered The Monster Squad on DVD and that rather excellent Alien Abduction lamp, (pictured above). Genius. So here's a big thanks from all the inmates here at the S.D.F.C. to Quint from AICN. Keep up the good work.
karate kid,
movie news,
snake plissken,
xmas gifts
Thursday, November 15, 2007
Are You A Gradute From The School Of Hard Props?

We digress, anyway we came up with this design in tribute to those amatuer rugby players who, although lack cool sounding names and the natural athleticism of the likes of Joe Rokocoko or Bryan Habana, put their bodies on the line every Saturday or Sunday. They do so for two reasons, the love of the game and the fact they have a very strong sadomasochistic streak. Let's face it rugby is one of the last true Gladitorial sports left and it's played by sportsmen and women who have graduated from the School Of Hard Props.
bryan habana,
joe rokocoko,
Monday, November 12, 2007
Shaun Of The Dead T-shirt
Probably the greatest Rom Zom Com ever made, if not the only one. Shaun Of The Dead taught us that platonic love between two men could exist and that the best way to kill a
zombie was to remove it's head or brain. This is admittedly uncharted waters of geekery and nerdism for us here at the S.D.F.C but I think you'll agree it's a t-shirt which would complete any self respecting Shaun outfit for parties or Halloween , all that's missing is a cricket bat and a bunch of flowers. We can't wait to the see what kind of pics will crop up with this t-shirt.

shaun of the dead,
simon pegg,
Friday, November 09, 2007
We're Now On Facebook
Yes, we finally decided to take the plunge and enter into the wonderful world of Facebook. If you're already part of this social network then by all means add yourself on and become part of the Dept. Leave a comment, a video a picture or even give us a poke.
Add yourself on HERE
Add yourself on HERE
If The Shoe Fits

So he gave them a special wax coated leather at the front which would repel the Manchester rain and coloured them red and black in honour of Ma

Finally he also added the lyrics of two songs ‘Longsight M13′ and ‘One Way Ticket To Paradise’ to the inside of each inner sole.
Our friend was also pleased to announce that his pair is only one of 5,000 ever produced and have become one of the most collectible pairs ever manufactured. Personally if that's what you're into, then that's what you're into.
Wednesday, November 07, 2007
Howling Halloween Madness

Just a big thanks to everyone who bought a Teen Wolf t-shirt over the Halloween period and were kind enough to send us their pics. Apparently dressing up as Scott Howard in full basketball playing werewolf mode, was the costume to wear this year and it seems our Beavers tee came in handy for the finishing touches.
"We always wanted the t-shirt to be special...but we never expected this."
Monday, October 29, 2007
Every Which Way But Loose - The Black Widows

Anyone who grew up watching Clint Eastwood's cult movie Every Which Way But Loose, (and the sequel Any Which Way You Can), will appreciate our new t-shirt. It's a tribute not to Philo Beddoe or his beer swigging pet orangutan Clyde, but instead to the most inept biker gang ever to grace the silver screen. Led by the hilarious Cholla the Black Widows, through the course of both films, lose their bikes, their hair and eyebrows, their dignity when they are chased by a shotgun weilding 80 year-old woman and are consistently abused by Beddoe's pet ape Clyde. Like the Keystone Cops on two wheels these lovable rogues nearly steal the show. Check out our product page HERE for more details.
Friday, October 19, 2007
Long Time, No Hear
It's been far too long since our last entry but things here at the State Dept Of Fashion Corrections have been hectic, to say the least. Firstly a big thank you to all of our customers for their gracious feedback about our products, along with pics of them enjoying their new favourite t-shirts, keep them coming.
You'll be happy to hear we have a fresh batch of new designs sitting in Solitary right now awaiting release in the next few days, including a cracking tribute to a certain 70s cult movie featuring a street brawler and his pet orangutan. So if you haven't subscribed to our newsletter then keep checking our website for updates. We are also planning on re-arranging the site before 2007 bids us farewell, with a more interactive theme and gallery feature, which we have been threatening to do for some time now.
Also a few of the inmates have been indulging in the odd orange flavoured KitKat with their tea and coffee, they are surprisingly delicious and come highly recommended.

That Is All
You'll be happy to hear we have a fresh batch of new designs sitting in Solitary right now awaiting release in the next few days, including a cracking tribute to a certain 70s cult movie featuring a street brawler and his pet orangutan. So if you haven't subscribed to our newsletter then keep checking our website for updates. We are also planning on re-arranging the site before 2007 bids us farewell, with a more interactive theme and gallery feature, which we have been threatening to do for some time now.
Also a few of the inmates have been indulging in the odd orange flavoured KitKat with their tea and coffee, they are surprisingly delicious and come highly recommended.
That Is All
Saturday, August 11, 2007
Our Gremlins T-shirts
After watching Joe Dante's 80's classic creature feature Gremlins recently, we put our heads together and came up with the following two designs for tribute tees. They will both be uploaded onto our main site for sale shortly. Let us know what you think?
Friday, August 03, 2007
What Would John Smeaton Do?
Our second t-shirt has proved just as popular, with a design of Scotland complete with Saltire cross it reads: "Proudly Banjoing Terrorists Since 2007". The word "banjoing" was used by John Smeaton in one of his many, unintentionally hilarious interviews, with the world's press and basically means to blooter someone very hard in the face. The medi
a and online attention these two shirts have recieved has been overwhelming, one of our inmates even ended up on national radio to discuss the tees and their increasing popularity.
We even managed to raise a few hundred pounds for the British Red Cross through the sales of the John Smeaton t-shirt alone and recieved a wonderful letter of thanks, which takes pride of place on Big Jim Slade's oak desk.
NB. Look out for a change of design for our John Smeaton t-shirt, which will be uploaded onto, very shortly.
john smeation,
Saturday, June 30, 2007
Our Guantanamo Bay T-shirt
Regardless what your opinons are on the so-called war of terror, one thing's for sure whatever happens in Guantanamo Bay, stays in Guantanamo Bay. The detention centre there, dubbed "Camp X-Ray", seems to operate outside of all the human rights laws ever laid down and is surrounded by an air of secrecy.
Wether you're a die hard, right wing republican or a tree hugging liberal, you have to agree that nobody really knows what's going on in there and how many of the so called "prisoners of war" are actually guilty of the crimes that they've been accussed of, (without any proper legal procedure). Here's an interesting statistic for you, as of November 2006, out of 775 so called "terrorists", who have been brought to Guantanamo, approximately 340 have been released.
Wether you're a die hard, right wing republican or a tree hugging liberal, you have to agree that nobody really knows what's going on in there and how many of the so called "prisoners of war" are actually guilty of the crimes that they've been accussed of, (without any proper legal procedure). Here's an interesting statistic for you, as of November 2006, out of 775 so called "terrorists", who have been brought to Guantanamo, approximately 340 have been released.
camp x-ray,
guantanamo bay,
Friday, June 22, 2007
One Dirty Weekend

A big thanks to Grant, Dougie, Kyle, Slammer, Leddy, Yorgi and Thomas who kindly offered their services last weekend to take part in the annual Swamp Soccer tournament, held in Argyll, Scotland. We lost both games but took three points in our final match by default, (the other team failed to show...we would've had them anyway). For those of you unfamiliar with the event it involves a pitch of knee deep mud and six players on each side trying to score more goals than the other team, it's outrageously messy and extremely tiring. Check out the main website HERE for details of next year's event which will be the World Championships. Better start our pre-season training now then. Our team, (in fact only half of our team) is pictured at the bottom of this newspaper article along with players from Team Cafe Bar Koodi, all the way from Finland, who had the good grace and manners to beat us 3-1.
Wednesday, May 30, 2007
Frankie Is An Asshole
Here's a quick heads up about our latest t-shirt, currently available to buy at the S.D.F.C. If you turn the dial back to the 80s you'll remember there was some fuss made over a "Frankie Say Relax" t-shirt, printed as part of a publicity campaign for the pop group Frankie Goes To Hollywood. Well here's our take on the design, simply because the original is back in high street stores for a pocket bursting price of £35 ($69), and is now considered somewhat "chic", that coupled with the fact that we're sick of listening to what Frankie has to say!
Saturday, April 28, 2007
Alec Baldwin Wants To Straighten Your Ass Out.
Hot on the hells of the Baldwingate scandal, that every celebrity website seems to be obsessed about, we bring you our special Alec Baldwin t-shirt to mark the occasion. We really don't see what all the fuss is about, a frustrated and angry parent saying stuff he'll later regret, who hasn't done that before. It's not like he was caught existing cars flashing his junk, or was snapped with coke spread all over his naked chest, or shaved his head and went nutzoid in rehab, or leaked a hardcore sex tape onto the internet or any other like minded behaviour suited only to those who are idolised and held in high regard by society today.
Wednesday, April 25, 2007
This Is The S.D.F.C
It's been a busy old time for the inmates at the S.D.F.C recently, as in between designing another batch of tees for your wearing pleasure they've been listening to new albums from Arcade Fire and Kings Of Leon, reading an amazing book called Freakonomics by Steven D. Levitt and Stephen J. Dubner and watching episodes of a cartoon called The Venture Bros, which blows all other animation shows out of the water. If you haven't checked any of these out we urge you to do so ASAP. We've also received amazing feedback from our customers who have purchased our exlusive 300 inspired t-shirt, (Sparta Athletic Dept) we have plans to put the design on sweatshirts and hoddies, in the meantime you can read what T-shirt Watch and Random Stuff had to say about it HERE and HERE
Thursday, February 15, 2007
Need Your Help With Sports Tees
We are massive fans of sport here at the S.D.F.C so as a result we've decided to design and print a batch of t-shirts exclusively based upon the subject. But we need your help in one particular category - Soccer.
We have the initial design for these tees in place but we need suggestions, for example we want to know what your favourite soccer squad of all time is and why? You need to state the club, the year and obviously the reason why you've made your choice, (eg, Brazil World Cup Squad 1970). Who knows we might run with your suggestion and come up with a tee just for your wearing pleasure. Email your entries to
We have the initial design for these tees in place but we need suggestions, for example we want to know what your favourite soccer squad of all time is and why? You need to state the club, the year and obviously the reason why you've made your choice, (eg, Brazil World Cup Squad 1970). Who knows we might run with your suggestion and come up with a tee just for your wearing pleasure. Email your entries to
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