Monday, October 29, 2007

Every Which Way But Loose - The Black Widows

Anyone who grew up watching Clint Eastwood's cult movie Every Which Way But Loose, (and the sequel Any Which Way You Can), will appreciate our new t-shirt. It's a tribute not to Philo Beddoe or his beer swigging pet orangutan Clyde, but instead to the most inept biker gang ever to grace the silver screen. Led by the hilarious Cholla the Black Widows, through the course of both films, lose their bikes, their hair and eyebrows, their dignity when they are chased by a shotgun weilding 80 year-old woman and are consistently abused by Beddoe's pet ape Clyde. Like the Keystone Cops on two wheels these lovable rogues nearly steal the show. Check out our product page HERE for more details.

Friday, October 19, 2007

Long Time, No Hear

It's been far too long since our last entry but things here at the State Dept Of Fashion Corrections have been hectic, to say the least. Firstly a big thank you to all of our customers for their gracious feedback about our products, along with pics of them enjoying their new favourite t-shirts, keep them coming.

You'll be happy to hear we have a fresh batch of new designs sitting in Solitary right now awaiting release in the next few days, including a cracking tribute to a certain 70s cult movie featuring a street brawler and his pet orangutan. So if you haven't subscribed to our newsletter then keep checking our website for updates. We are also planning on re-arranging the site before 2007 bids us farewell, with a more interactive theme and gallery feature, which we have been threatening to do for some time now.

Also a few of the inmates have been indulging in the odd orange flavoured KitKat with their tea and coffee, they are surprisingly delicious and come highly recommended.

That Is All