A while ago we sent out one of our Quint's Great White Fishing Trips tees to, funnily enough, a guy called Quint who writes and contributes for the excellent movie website Ain't It Cool News. That was a few months ago and to be honest we had forgotten all about it until just last week, when one of our inmates noticed that the big guy had included not only the Quints t-shirt but our Snake Plissken and Karate Kid tees in a review of online gifts to buy for Xmas.
Each year Quint compiles a comprehensive and excellent guide to things online which would make someone smile this festive season, you can read the whole article HERE. We did and going on his recommendations we've ordered The Monster Squad on DVD and that rather excellent Alien Abduction lamp, (pictured above). Genius. So here's a big thanks from all the inmates here at the S.D.F.C. to Quint from AICN. Keep up the good work.