Tuesday, December 16, 2008

Big Thanks

Since we launched our website back in 2006 this time of year has always been our busiest, but over the last six weeks we have been locked away pressing shirts at the S.D.F.C. like our lives depended on it. Not that we are complaining, far from it, especially in the current financial climate.
We have only now managed to surface for some much needed air and sustenance after our busiest pre-christmas period yet and we would like to thank all of our customers, new and returning, for purchasing our t-shirts. We are ecstatic that so many of you get pleasure from wearing our tees, which is really the only reason we ever started up The State Dept Of Fashion Corrections two years ago. We hope 2009 will be yet another exciting year for us and for you, we have a brand new website which we intend to tinker with in the coming 12 months and a few ideas up our sleeves which we hope will give you a few pleasant surprises. Until then friendo have yourself a disgracefully good Christmas.

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