Saturday, June 30, 2007

Our Guantanamo Bay T-shirt

Here's our special tongue-in-cheek Guantanamo Bay t-shirt, inspired by those tacky tourist based designs you often see for sale in novelty shops, during your holidays.
Regardless what your opinons are on the so-called war of terror, one thing's for sure whatever happens in Guantanamo Bay, stays in Guantanamo Bay. The detention centre there, dubbed "Camp X-Ray", seems to operate outside of all the human rights laws ever laid down and is surrounded by an air of secrecy.
Wether you're a die hard, right wing republican or a tree hugging liberal, you have to agree that nobody really knows what's going on in there and how many of the so called "prisoners of war" are actually guilty of the crimes that they've been accussed of, (without any proper legal procedure). Here's an interesting statistic for you, as of November 2006, out of 775 so called "terrorists", who have been brought to Guantanamo, approximately 340 have been released.

Friday, June 22, 2007

One Dirty Weekend

A big thanks to Grant, Dougie, Kyle, Slammer, Leddy, Yorgi and Thomas who kindly offered their services last weekend to take part in the annual Swamp Soccer tournament, held in Argyll, Scotland. We lost both games but took three points in our final match by default, (the other team failed to show...we would've had them anyway). For those of you unfamiliar with the event it involves a pitch of knee deep mud and six players on each side trying to score more goals than the other team, it's outrageously messy and extremely tiring. Check out the main website HERE for details of next year's event which will be the World Championships. Better start our pre-season training now then. Our team, (in fact only half of our team) is pictured at the bottom of this newspaper article along with players from Team Cafe Bar Koodi, all the way from Finland, who had the good grace and manners to beat us 3-1.